目標需明確, 但大學專業要怎麼選?

對申請大學來說, 如果學生有一個長遠目標, 向大學呈現出學生在高中期間對與未來大學專業相關活動有學習上的熱情及積極的參與會非常有說服力的.  因為好的大學提供最頂尖的學習環境, 當然希望學生不是慕名而來, 而是真正想取得知識, 以圓自己長久以來追求的夢.


但是大多數的學生真的不是很確定自己將來要做什麼, 就算學生有一個假設的志願, 也常因為時間, 空間改變而產生變化.  現在的孩子追求物質生活加上接觸電腦的時間多, 對未來立下的職業目標不外乎高收入的醫師, 律師, 感覺上很時尚的各類設計師或可以一直與電腦常相左右的電腦類工作. 很少小孩會想到自己將來想當公務員, 教授, 飛行員等其他一些各方面也很好的工作.  這種情況也造成了美國的大學生平均轉換大學主修2.5次, 造成許多學生4年大學念了5, 6年, 好不容易畢了業, 又沒有從事自己主修的專業, 變成不務正業.

由性向測驗或以學校各學科的成績來判定學生未來適合的工作更是一種最不合邏輯的思考方式. 因為性向會變, 而學校的學科與實際的工作根本不相同, 何況許多學生的學科成績與老師的表現有很大的關係, 講到這點我就必須以我自己的故事來做說明.

從小數學就是我的長項, 學習數學很輕鬆, 考試也不用怎麼準備就可以得到高分. 記憶中既使學到高等的微積分, 對當時的我也不用花什麼力氣, 老師還叫我作班上的數學助教, 當然數學就是我最喜歡的學科了.  但文科就慘了, 國文, 歷史, 地理我一概沒興趣, 成績也很一般, 有時一不小心, 紅字也會跑出來.  於是當我來到美國讀大學及研究所的時候, 就選了與數學相關及當時覺得且較適合我的商業管理及財金的課系.  當時學習成績也很好, 還因成績優異得到獎學金.  研究所畢業之後我順利進入美國花旗銀行, 成為當時花旗銀行重點培訓經理的一員, 這當時是萬中選一的機會, 當然薪水及工作前景都是非常優厚的.  但當我在花旗銀行作了3年後, 年輕的我並不覺得從工作中得到滿足感,絲毫沒有自我實現的感覺, 只有對人遞名片時有一點莫名的虛榮感.  當我發現自己懷孕時, 我想到在花旗銀行的一些女性高階管理人員似乎都無法照顧到孩子, 有些還得把孩子24小時寄給別人照顧.  非常喜歡小孩的我實在無法接受要把孩子交給別人照顧, 所以就毅然的遞出辭呈, 決定另闢職場, 開一個托兒所, 一方面工作, 一方面可以照顧自己的孩子.  這個當時單純的想法讓我從事教育至今16年了,一直非常熱愛這份工作.

3年前我想引進Highlands 能力測試給哈佛全方位的學生, 希望能協助學生找到他們未來的正確方向, 我本身立刻做了這個在主流社會頗受好評的能力測試, 作完這個將近4個小時的測試, 發現真的很難從題目本身猜出它在測哪些能力指標, 不像一般的性向測驗, 你可以猜得出來哪一類的答案可以導出哪些結果. 

當Highlands 能力測試結果分析師分析我的報告時, 她第一句話居然是”你數字觀念很差!” 我當時就笑了出來, 並說 “你開玩笑, 我數字觀念一級棒!” 於是她問我 “你皮包裡現在大慨有多少錢?” 我傻眼了, 搖搖頭說 “我不知道!” 她又問我 ”你銀行大概有多少存款?” 我更傻眼說 “我也不知道, 她接著問我 “是不是常去買東西發現錢不夠?” 我尷尬的說 “是啊!” 她接著解釋 “你對數字根本不敏感, 多一點,少一點, 你都不知道.  你不能作與數字有關的工作, 你會緊張.  你的長處是邏輯思考, 解決問題及表達解釋, 你數學好是靠這些能力, 你現在輔導學生的工作很適合, 如果做心理醫生或作家更能發揮你的長處.“ 我彷彿晴天霹靂的想起自己從小到大悲慘的文科成績, 頓時覺得真是自己誤會自己了40年.  還好, 我還算幸運誤打誤撞的進入教育界, 還算沒差太遠(也許該感謝我的孩子).

當你的孩子告訴你, 他不知道將來要做什麼時, 請不要責怪他 ”沒想法”.   如果你的孩子立下雄心壯志告訴你他未來的志向, 也不需在這時就幫他定終生.  為了不走冤枉路, 甚至徹底入錯行, 也許你會去問算命先生, 但我覺得參考99%準確性的Highlands能力測試結果來找尋學生未來工作適合的選項絕對會是比較科學化的方法.

P.S. 看完我的故事, 家長們請千萬不要利用我數字觀念差的弱點來跟我討價還價, 那就傷感情了!

16 Comments on “目標需明確, 但大學專業要怎麼選?

  1. 說到highlands測試,我也想說幾句話。早段時間我做了一個測試,覺得它說得太廣泛了,也太多的不理解,它說的與我將做的職業一點都不對題,我很喜歡我現在的目標,給它一說又好象我的潛能與我的目標離題太遠了,到現在心情還是有一點不舒服。

    • 你做的是 Highlands test 嗎? 市面上“性向測驗“ 很多, 以能力為測驗基礎的很少. 我查了一下檔案, 我們的建檔是用英文名字, 我查不到以你名字為拼音的檔案. 如果你確實做了我們提供的Highlands test, 結果跟你想做的職業不同, 可以跟分析師溝通, 是否能力上適合需要加強的訓練是哪方面. 例如: 手太笨的人想做牙醫, 是可以多訓練手的精細度來加強的. 希望你跟我們再聯絡, 我們可以進一步的協助你. 謝謝!

  2. Hello, I am a senior trying to decide between ucsb, ucsd, and uci. My major is chemistry and i’m pre-pharmacy. UCSB accepted me into its L&S honors program, and that seems pretty great, but it has a reputation as a party school, and I worry that pharmacy schools will take that into account. I mean, I want to party a little, but not super party it up. However, from what i have seen of the campus, it is beautiful and the environment seems relaxed and the people seem friendly enough. The campus is quite small though. The class sizes for honors is around 20 students.
    UCSD has a reputation for its science programs and even has its own school of pharmacy. It has two hospitals very close by, which would make volunteering and internships more easily accessible, since i don’t have a car. However, the campus is very big and somewhat confusing, and some of the buildings are a little hard on the eyes, like the lecture halls at muir and revelle. The festivals and student activities seem like a lot of sober fun. I like that the suites are single-sex, but i am not sure how i feel about the rest of the campus. I went there on triton day, and it was very busy and lively, but i visited again on a saturday morning and the campus seemed so dreary and gray.
    UCI costs the least for me to attend, and i like that it has a pharmaceutical sciences major. The dorms are quite nice too; there’s a kitchen, but coed. The campus is also pretty big, but it’s nice and grassy, and people seem friendly enough.
    Sorry that was a lot to read, but thank you for taking the time to read it. Can I ask your opinion on this asap (SIR by tomorrow)? Thank you so much.

    • Hi Helen,

      I just want to say first off that I do not check my blog daily because the blog is mostly a service for me; it’s my way of giving back to the community. Now, you seem very meticulous and selective, so it makes me wonder why you would ask for my advice only a day before the decision date. At this point, my advise would be obsolete since the date has already passed, but I can still answer your questions and try to offer you some comfort in your decision.

      I would have suggested that you attend UCSB if you are 100% sure that you want to pursue a science related program in graduate school because,as you pointed out, the classes are smaller, which is a luxury that you cannot enjoy at other UC schools. If you are not 100% sure, then I would suggest UCSD because the ranking and the reputation is generally better. Regarding your issue with UCSB’s reputation as a party school, one of the reasons that it is known as a party school is because it is situated next to a beach, but ultimately it is the students’ decisions whether or not they want to party.

      I hope my advice has helped you in some way or another. I wish you luck with your collegiate life.

  3. Hi I’m a senior and I’m choosing colleges between uci( business information management) and ucd( nutrition major). I have a hard time choosing schools…. I don’t really know what my interest yet….
    People says ucd is the same as aci in terms of acedemic, but ucd ranked higher than uci on the us new. I want to get your opinion about that.
    I like SoCal, so I want to go to uci. The major I got in seems interested to me. UCd is a little bit boring to me if I’m going to stay there for four years. And I don’t really know if I will like my major…I choose nutrition bc I got a 4 on ap chemistry.

    I would like to hear your opinion about my situation. Thank you!

    • Hi Winnie,

      Thank you for your question.

      Firstly, if you are unsure about your interests and what you want to study in college, you should not base your decisions and your thought process on your AP scores because how well you do on them does not dictate whether or not you should further study that subject.

      Secondly, AP Chemistry and nutrition really do not have any correlation. In fact, you don’t even have to take a science just because you did well AP Chemistry.

      Thirdly, you already mentioned that you like SoCal, and when you are comparing between UCD and UCI, the ranking really is not significant between the two. You are essentially comparing the location and environment of each school. You would have to visit each school or do research on their campuses and city life in order to know which one you prefer especially since UCI and UCD are at opposite ends of the spectrum; UCI is located in an urban area, UCD is more rural and less urban.

      I hope this helps. Good luck!

  4. 江主任您好,我的女兒喜歡跳舞 jazz, tap, hiphop一她7岁,有在dance stadio 上课。可是我覺得大學應該是更看重體育運動,而且到了高中也沒有什麼可以讓你參加跳舞的比賽和選項来為升大學加分。所以我想只讓她保留一堂舞蹈課,把時間開始放在一些體育運動上,僻如:網球,游泳…不知您的意見如何?對不起,也許这個問題不該post在這邊,我只是很希望能夠聽聽您做為升學專家的意見。

    • 以申請大學的策略上來說,除了基本盤上面的申請條件需要準備之外的特殊才藝部分,可以寫任何一項表現,運動當然可以,舞蹈也很好。這完全是看學生在哪一種才藝能夠做得最頂尖岀眾。此外,給你一個參考點,網球,游泳,舞蹈這類的東西都是華裔女孩子比較喜歡的活動。謝謝!

  5. 江主任好!我的兒子今年要申請大學,學校及個人表現比較突出的是音樂方面的紀錄,但他並不希望將來上大學以音樂系為專業主科,反倒對電腦程式比較有興趣,但這個部分沒有特別的表現與成績,曾擔任學校輕音樂社團社長與桌球社社長。請問在申請UC時要以音樂為主科,還是以他想要的科系來申請機會比較大?(GPA4.4/ SAT1460)

    • 你好,這個部落格提供許多免費的資訊,但是為了保持我的專業性及對其他付費的學生的公平性,我很抱歉沒有辦法在這裡回答你的問題,因為這已經是涉及到比較深入的策略建議了。如果你需要進一步的資訊,你可以跟我們任何一個分校洽詢升學規劃的報名方式,畢竟孩子的大學申請只有一次機會。祝你教育成功!

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